lunes, noviembre 30
jueves, noviembre 26
Exclusive Interview: Norway's Vinny Villbass
It was 2007 and as I was digging to new ways of music, rythmn, genres and bands I randomly and luckily found one of finest sets I had ever heard: Sunkissed Supa Mix: Mixed by Norway's man: Vinny Villbass
As we've been doing, we deliver another awesome interview. Avant gard music, fine and funky rythms that go deep in your hearing sense..
- long time dj and part of the sunkissed clubnight running for 10 years in Oslo, Norway - guitarist in diskjokkeband - currently living in Berlin and Oslo - running the I'm Single Records label togehter with Khan

Meksibobo. This is the name of a track I released together with
diskjokke on Kindisch Records a couple of years back. Electronic
sombrero disco..
Have you ever been in México?
I was on Mexico with my parents when I was a kid. My father's friend
had a project going on and they were helping poor people in Mexico with water supply.
This made a big impression on a small kid from Norway. I remember very
poor people with very rich hearts!! We had the best possible welcome.
Recently, I have met a couple of Mexicans touring in Europe. I just
played together with Humberto in Berlin, and I met Rebolledo at a
festival in Norway. Very nice people! The Mexicans are takin ova...
Why are you a musician?
If your parents for some odd reason puts a fiddle in your hand at the
age of 4, and your brothers commands you through HOURS of Kraftwerk
before you are even potty-trained, something kind of happens to you..
And I haven't regreted it a millisecond. Music is what keeps the world
Three words best describing you ?
1.Lets 2.Get 3.Together.... im a social beeing!!
Any gadgets you're in love with?
I am really an anolog being, but I tend to appreciate my external
hard-drive. Backup is seriously the most relaxing action of digital
Any music in your iPod for daily activities or for your car?
As most of my time djing is spend in the house and disco lane, I
always listen to something different on my spear time. At the moment,
I am much in love with the new york based indie-band Yeasayer and the
swedish singer/songwriter Jose Gonzales. But there is loads of
interesting music from Norway as well, such as Heroes & Zeros,
Masselys, Harrys Gym and Datarock.
What's the concept of music for you?
Music is as any other art-form a way of getting inspirational
impressions in your life to be able to cope with reality. I use music
both as positive egoistic input and as a platform for social
experience and gathering.
Is music relevant for humanity? Describe
Without art, the people of this world would'nt be able to meet all the
conflicts and difficulties of everyday life in the same manner.
Humanity needs art to prevent conflicts, but also to create
constructive international cultural and political discussions. To
express your political and cultural viewpoints through art is
sometimes meaningful to soften rather than enhance conflicts.
Any recent extravagance you want to share with us....
The dj-scene of Oslo is currently getting a plan together to build a
disco-space-ship to invade planet Pluto, before moving back to the
so-called earthlings with free Corona. ohh...but diskjokke is
releasing his second album early next year on Smalltown Supersound. We
will be touring with DiskjokkeBand (where i play guitar) around Europe
next year, so we might have to pospone the invasion..
What about DiskjokkeBand?
I have been djing with diskjokke for 10 years, so when he got into production and released his first album "Staying In", we both got ideas of how to present the music to the audience. So we started diskJokkeBand, with a drummer, a bassplayer, diskjokke on electronics, and myself on guitar and synthesizer. We play mostly productions of diskjokke, but also present some tunes we have made together. It all turns out a bit more psychedelic and rocky when we do the space-band gigs. But musically, its all dance-music with a big disco influence. At the moment, we are planing a European tour starting as soon as Diskjokke's second album is released on SmalltownSupersound early 2010.

Internet has given everybody around the world a possibility to work
together creatively. This makes a lot of new genres pop up to the
surface. Music is no longer a reflection of your state or culture. But
on the other hand, internet has made huge trouble for the label
business. This has of course also put pressure on the artists. To
survive economically, artists are pressured into touring, which I see
as a good thing, (if carbondioxid isn't taken into consideration). I
mean that internet has only changed the music business, but far from
killed it.
How has internet changed the way you work?
I can't really understand how people got things done AT ALL before
Anything you collect?
Friends!! + my vinyl collection is getting bigger and bigger..
Is there anything happening in the world that bothers you?
This is a retorical question for anyone who has watched the daily
news. Congo, Iraq, Burma.. where should we start??
What is your worst addiction ?
Who are your favorite heroes in real life ?
We have an extremely clever foreign minister in Norway at the moment,
Jonas Gahr Støre. I like him for beeing socialistic, non-populistic
and result oriented. But of course, Grace Jones would be my choice of
What is Sunkissed? Explain
Sunkissed is a monthly club in Oslo which has been running for almost
10 years. Olanskii and G-Ha started the club in Oslo in 2000, and I
was included as the concept was going national the year after. At the
moment, we are doing the night in Oslo with 2 rooms with focus on art,
analog lighting, perfectionized sound and of course futuristic
dancemusic reaching from nu-disco to techno. It is important for us to
create an atmosphere where the dj and audience get closer together. My
best sunkissed experience must be the first time Ricardo Villalobos
played for us in 2005.. or Glimmer Twins, or wait... Craig
Richards.. or... shit... there are alot of good memories. :)
Why the Scandinavian region has become so productive, talking about music (disco as a genre...Sally Shapiro, Diskjokke, Mungolian Jet Set, Linsdtrom, Datarock) production?
Disco has for some reason always been a big part of the norwegian
dance music scene. I think the reason is our failure/success of always
trying to adapt to a mixer of the commercial side of production and
the warmth of analog music. But it must be said that electronic music
in Norway started out on the ambient side of things in the polar city
of Tromsø when among many others, Rune Lindbaek, Per Martinsen (mental
Overdrive), Torbjørn Brundtland (Røyksopp), in the late 80's came
across a pile of synthesizers from the progressive rock era.
Any colaborations as for now?
At the moment, I am running a label called I'm Single in Berlin
together with Khan from Captain Comatose. Khan and myself are
currently working on a remix of a track from a collaboration between
the Norwegian prog phycadelic band Big Robot and Konrad Schnitzler
from Tangerine Dream.
Anyone you would like to work with?
I would love to play cowbell on the current Fleetwood Mack tour.
Thanx Vinny for your time, we appreciate it a lot!
Juan Sinmiedo
Publicado por Zavala en 11:48 4 comentarios
Etiquetas: Vinny Villbass
miércoles, noviembre 25
The Big Brother State
Gracias a Ul1s3s por este video...
Publicado por Nesthorë en 17:00 0 comentarios
martes, noviembre 24
Carlos Peron
Hola Banda!
Hoy, dejo esta rola que me gustó!
Publicado por Zavala en 13:55 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Carlos Peron
lunes, noviembre 23
SHIVRATRI SADHUS from warmeye on Vimeo.
Publicado por Nesthorë en 12:40 0 comentarios
miércoles, noviembre 18
Aeroplane Mix Chart November
De vuelta con un gran set lleno de muy buenas rolitas.
Uno de los favoritos de Juan Sinmiedo: Aeroplane!
Ahi les va!
Aeroplane "Chart Mix" November 2009 by Aeroplane
Publicado por Juan Sinmiedo en 15:44 1 comentarios
Ganadores para ir a Toy Selectah
Hola Banda!
Los ganadores de 1 entrada doble para ir el día 20 de Noviembre de 2009 al Brixton Pub para Toy Selectah son los siguientes:
- Edgar Alberto Torres Gutierrez
- Daniel Segovia
- Edgar Humberto Robles Muñoz
- Grecia Verónica Hdz. Leyva
- Rashid Ruiz Flores
Publicado por Juan Sinmiedo en 15:32 0 comentarios
martes, noviembre 17
Tim Burton
Publicado por Nesthorë en 17:24 0 comentarios
lunes, noviembre 16
Toy Selectah
Hola Banda!
El próximo viernes 20 de Noviembre estará Toy Selectah en Brixton y nos han regalado algunos boletos para los lectores de Juan Sinmiedo!
Manda un correo a con tu nombre y telefono, pidiéndonos boletos y listo! Así de fácil!
Publicado por Zavala en 14:51 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Toy Selectah
sábado, noviembre 14
Pional es un nuevo productor encargado del séptimo lanzamiento de la disquera Hivern (TBR en Diciembre de 2009!
En este lanzamiento, Pional, nos entrega un enorme melodía cargada de Deep House-Pop que nos hace viajar y que enamora al sentido auditivo por su armonía y melodía!
Les dejo una probadita de esta delicia:
Publicado por Zavala en 13:11 0 comentarios
jueves, noviembre 12
Cocktail del CutOut Fest
Publicado por Zavala en 15:24 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: CutOut Fest
Mood 080
Sasse, uno de los favoritos de Juan Sinmiedo, (si no has leído la entrevista que tuvimos con él, te dejo la liga: Exclusively On Juan Sinmiedo: Sasse) y cabeza de MoodMusic Records ha lanzado Mood 080:: Holger Zilske & Dave DK feat. Richard Davis - You Will Find Out
El release ya está disponible en Beatport para "pinchar" estas rolas. Debo admitir que el Original Mix es una chulada de rola. Inicia con graves vibrantes, de esos que golpean el pecho, acompañado de sonidos hypersonicos que juntos, construyen un mood perfecto para la entrada de unos vocales enooormes!!
Saludos y les dejo un previo para que se den una buen idea:
Mood-080 - Holger Zilske & Dave DK feat. Richard Davis - You Will Find Out by sasse
Publicado por Zavala en 13:24 0 comentarios
viernes, noviembre 6
Hungry For The Power
Hola Banda!
Hace algunas semanas publicamos una entrevista exclusiva con el dueto Azari & III.
Esta es la liga a la entrevista: Azari & III Interview
Estos chavos canadienses están bárbaros y han tenido una gran aceptación dentro de la escena indie-dance. Así que hay que estar atentos con su material.
Les dejo el video de la rola Hungry For The Power
Publicado por Zavala en 13:19 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Azari And III
jueves, noviembre 5
Publicado por Juan Sinmiedo en 20:51 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Betuel Salazar, St. Paper.
Dance, dance, dance!
Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in a twinkling of an eye, but the dance lives on. On many an occasion when I am dancing, I have felt touched by something sacred. In those moments, I felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists. I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing then it is the eternal dance of creation. The creator and the creation merge into one wholeness of joy. I keep on dancing... and dancing... and dancing, until there is only... The Dance.
-Michael Jackson-
Publicado por Nesthorë en 9:57 0 comentarios
miércoles, noviembre 4
The Fun Theory
Hola Gente!
Esto es algo que necesita la erosionada, mutilada, distorsionada y agresiva raza humana.
Publicado por Zavala en 18:08 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: The Fun Theory
Andrew Zuckerman

Zuckerman es un fotógrafo estadounidense nacido en Washington DC. Su estilo muy particular se centra mayormente en retratar criaturas del reino animal de una forma fascinante. Tiene tres libros publicados: CREATURE, WISDOM y el más reciente BIRD.
Este último se publicó el mes pasado y bien vale la pena admirar la belleza que logra captar. Por eso les dejo la siguiente liga donde podrán ver algunas fotos de dicho libro.
Espero les guste.
Publicado por Nesthorë en 10:53 0 comentarios
martes, noviembre 3
Hercules And Love Affair
Hola Banda!
Les dejo una noticia que me dió mucho gusto porque ahi estaré!
Uno de los mejores Live Acts del 2008 y 2009.
Solo falta que confirmen el lugar y esperemos que pronto se sepa!
Publicado por Zavala en 12:45 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Hercules And Love Affair
lunes, noviembre 2
Publicado por Nesthorë en 17:55 2 comentarios
8 Fucking Thousand!
Publicado por Nesthorë en 17:29 0 comentarios

Publicado por Nesthorë en 17:16 0 comentarios
Strawberry Swing
Publicado por Nesthorë en 12:28 0 comentarios