jueves, febrero 25
Morning with Seth Troxler
Publicado por Nesthorë en 13:09 21 comentarios
miércoles, febrero 24
martes, febrero 23
domingo, febrero 21
From Los Amateurs: Rodrigo Alvarez
Podcast Febrero Los Amateurs (RAS) by Leonardo Centeno
Publicado por St.Paper en 19:37 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Rodrigo Alvarez, St. Paper
viernes, febrero 19
Mighty Mouse
London's Mighty Mouse will release Song With No Word on March 10th on Chipper Thrills...
Mighty Mouse 'Song With No Word (Movement 2) 320K by MiGHty mOUse
Mighty Mouse 'Song With No Word (Movement 3) 320K by MiGHty mOUse
Mighty Mouse 'Song With No Word (Movement 4) 320K by MiGHty mOUse
Publicado por Zavala en 11:55 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Cheaper Thrills, Mighty Mouse, Song With No Word EP
lunes, febrero 15
Exclusive Interview: Villa
Well, Fredo,Thang & Seba are Villa. Belguim based producers which came to our attention beacause of their fresh sound. A unique sound which transmits good vibes and makes you dance!
Get to know more about Villa in the Interview we had with them:

First thing coming to your mind when listening the word México...
Tasty food in flashing colors, Belgian national football team ending up in the semifinals during world cup in 1986.
Have you guys ever been in México?
New México, USA is the closest we've got.
Why are you guys musicians?
It is not a choice without any particular motivation. It just happened. Music is just the greatest way to waste time
Three word describing you...
That's hard. Maybe our girlfriends could answer this better than us, but sexy, contentfull and "in your face" should quite wrap it up.
Any gadgets you're in love with?
PS3, soon the iPad, no matter what they say about it. AKAI KCF1 is one of the all time favourites.
Any music in your iPod for your daily activites?
On the iPods we listen to anything from The Alan Parson Project & Vangelis to Gorillaz and Hot Chip. Also much lovin' the Desert Session, stoner rockbands sucha as Kyuss, Unida, Slo Burn...
Do you guys have a musical background?
If it is professional/eduactional background you mean, then no. But we do have a common interest in music and we've been building up experiences on the floor and in the studio over the past 10 years. So, yes!
Talking about a Villa Dj Set, do you guys prepare it or you just simply start mixing?
Of course you prepare your set a bit. But we believe a Dj should look a the room and the audience and the sound system before he starts playing. It is also important to listen what the Dj before you is doing. From there it is a journey you cannot predict.
What advice should you have taken, but did not?
Seba should have done his drivers licence.
Thang should have learned how to moonwalk.
Fredo should have worn his Raybans when he got married in Vegas.
Nowadays, are music and internet related strongly? Is this good for music? Why?
Yes and No
From a Dj perspective, yes because it's much easier to track something down, and you'll find it in a split second. People love to share music, which is cool. No, because there's also lots of bad music around; or music in bad quality, the sound you hear at parties are MP3 quality and no longer the warm sound of vinyl. Unfortunately most of the time we also play with CD's because of the practical aspect (though some of those tracks are luckily cought from vinyl).
From a music making point of view; yes, again people can find your music a lot faster. It gets spread and starts living it's own life. No because you can imagine with everything so accesable, only few people tend to pay for the music we've invested in and been working hard on. The knife cuts both ways. All in all, you don't hear us complain.
How has internet changed the way you work?
We don't have the time to go crate digging for hours. Luckily enough, you can do great discoveries on the internet nowadays. Youtube + Discogs is a dangerous place to spend too muchtime and money!
Anything you collect?
Any kind of synths! From fleamarket discoveries to vintage classics...
Best party you'be been to..?
Diesel party in Antwerp and the Eskimo parties...
What is your worst addiction?
Female attention...
Who are your favorite heroes in real life?
Vangelis, Bear Grills and Michelangelo.
You've been receiving support from the likes of Aeroplane. Are you guys good friends?
We met the gusy from Aeroplane about three years ago. They were resident in the same club as we were: Make Up Club, Ghent, Belgium. So we share a similar musical background and sound. It was already clear that they were very talented. We meet up with the guys from time to time in smokey backstage rooms.
What are you expecting from 2010?
We have done lots of remixes the past few months, most of them still have to come out. We're looking forward how they will do on the dancefloors. You can also expect a Villa EP quite soon. But we can't really say a lot about that exept from the fact it will drop on one of our favourite labels. We have a few more tricks up our sleeves for 2010. And of course we're gonna Dj a lot - maybe in México?
Any colaborations as for now?
It's hard to reveal everything yet, but we are working on some special things with The Aikiu from Paris and Primary1 From London. Both are very talented guys whose name you should remember for 2010.
Anywho you would like to work with?
There are a few peeps out there we'd like to share the studio with. Like the Belgian nad Goose or Anthony from Anthony And The Johnsons. We'd all praise the lord for a session with Quincy Jones, Herbie Hancock or Rick Rubin..
Thanx a lot to Villa & Dirk From Smile Mgmt!
Publicado por Zavala en 15:07 2 comentarios
Nicolas Jaar
Just to post this smooth, nice, awesome, fresh, deep, melodic...mmm what else? Well, does not matter, it's just soooo good!!
Publicado por Zavala en 10:29 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Nicolas Jaar, Time For Us
lunes, febrero 8
Banda, como saben en este espacio tratamos de publicar temas de interés relacionados con la escena musical actual. La idea principal es proponer sonidos nuevos provenientes de cualquier parte del planeta.
En esta ocasión hemos tenido el gusto de entrevistar a un talento muy particular.
Cómo decirlo? Se trata de un par de Dj´s provenientes del lugar más lejano que hemos podido contactar…el planeta Kashyyyk.
En realidad se trata de un proyecto 100% Mexicano, motivo de mayor orgullo.
En fin… no les echo más rollo y los dejo con los WOOKIES.
-Hoy en día quien triunfa es quien trabaja y
tiene una idea clara de a donde quiere ir- Wookies (Hugo)
-Cómo surgen Los Wookies?
Los Wookies es un proyecto que comenzamos Tatanka y yo (calacas). Cuando hicimos una de las primeras fiestas de SICARIO queríamos tocar y surgió la idea de hacerlo juntos.
En un inicio escogimos el nombre SHAVEN WOOKIES y la broma era que éramos unos Wookies Rasurados y por eso nuestra apariencia era de humanos.
Después encontramos las mascaras por E BAY y nos volvimos locos.
Hubo un periodo en el que nos separamos y BUFI empezó a hacer fechas conmigo.
Ahora estamos los tres juntos y planeamos incorporar a mas banda tocando en vivo
-Cómo describen a su música?
Creo que es una mezcla de muchas cosas. La base es house pero en el puedes encontrar ritmos tropicales bastante influenciados por el DUTCH, Acid House o el UK Garage. También hay muchos all time hits de música electrónica, rock y demás.
Básicamente es un popurrí de todo lo que nos gusta, música relevante para la historia de la música (valga la redundancia)
A la hora de producir estamos haciendo HOUSE pero no nos queremos relacionar con un genero o estilo preciso. Nos gusta poder añadir o crear cosas influenciadas por el momento que vivimos. No limitarnos a un género aunque la base sea HOUSE
-Cómo describirían la escena musical mexicana? A dónde va?
Creo que los dos años pasados fueron muy buenos en cuanto a la forma en la que la escena creció en adeptos. Cada vez mas gente escuchando buena música y al tanto de lo que está pasando en la escena mundial. Lo que es un hecho es que hay una pasividad muy cabrona por parte del publico que se limita a se PURAMENTE CONSUMIDORES.
De hecho si hicieras una balanza comercial por así decirlo de lo que EXPORTAMOS e IMPORTAMOS seriamos un país con un déficit muy alto.
Muchos grupos vienen pero son pocos los que están saliendo.
THE WOOKIES es nuestra propuesta para inclinar la balanza
-Creen que la música en México está muy controlado por las grandes disqueras y televisoras? Cómo le han dado la vuelta a esto y han creado nuevos escenarios?
Creo que el main stream si esta profundamente controlado por estas televisoras y demás.
Para nuestra escena es específico el internet y el radio es el mecanismo de control. En el radio si existen solo dos estaciones que dictan hacia donde va el pedo pero creo que hay bastante apertura para nuevas cosas.
Hoy en día en reactor y radio ibero hay muchas propuestas en programación que reflejan lo que es la música actual.
Creo que esto de lo que hablas es un estigma que tiene el artista mexicano, siempre cree que el fracaso o la poca difusión se debe a los medios que no lo apoyan.
Yo creo que hoy en día quien triunfa es quien trabaja y tiene una idea clara de a donde quiere ir. En pocas palabras es el AUTO PROMOTE.
Es así como han salido los ídolos de los últimos tiempos.
Con un buen producto, internet y el trabajo adecuado creo que hoy en día es más fácil construir el éxito de tu grupo por ti mismo
-Sabemos que no hace mucho empezaron a romper fronteras llegando a Japón. Cómo revienta la banda por allá? Qué se escucha? Cuales considera que son las principales diferencias entre el reven nipón y el mexa?
La banda es mas tranquila, sorpresivamente en el club en el que tocamos los DJs de antes no estaban tan clavados en lograr una mezcla perfecta. Es más laidback el pedo allá.
La fiesta estuvo increíble y todo el mundo quedo como loco, esperamos regresar pronto
-Que hay en este 2010 para Los Wookies?
Nuestro EP, algunos remixes y demás.
-El elektro es sólo una moda? Qué le depara a este genero?
La evolución de este genero con el mix con otros géneros tribales, afrobeat, dutch etc...
Es un hecho que el electro como lo conocimos en el 2005 esta en reinvención
-En dónde podemos ver a Los Wookies próximamente?
MYSPACE!!!! Probablemente Puerto Rico
-A quién le seguirían la pista este año dentro de la escena musical?
Afrojack, Dj Chuckie, Armand Van Helden, Solo, Todo lo de San Pellegrino, Douster y otros
En esencia también funciona cualquier beat cercano al ACID HOUSE,
-Algún comentario de despedida?
Chewbacca is not our Friend.
Para cerrar como se debe, los Wookies nos hicieron favor de pasarnos el set que tocaron en Tokio. Aquí les dejamos la liga para escucharlo y un video de su última presentación en Playa del Carmen.
Publicado por Nesthorë en 20:46 1 comentarios
Splitting the Atom!
Publicado por Nesthorë en 13:14 0 comentarios
domingo, febrero 7
Elsiane for Detox
Hi there! While our mate Eduardo Zavala is DJing down in Riviera Maya with our brother Yuca, and St. Paper is cooking something sexy at his studio, I´ll like to share this with you.
Recently I´ve been having a little “crisis” with music. Some kind of hangover if you know what I mean. Maybe I listened to so much head banging elektro, or just saturated myself with too much electronic beats. It is hard to listen to a whole set or just anything…I just can´t get in to it. Therefore I´ve digging into other styles and bands trying to find some kind of alternative. So I found this very interesting band called ELSIANE. They got a familiar sound with a “twist.” Just the kind of beat I needed to detox my self. Check it out and let me know what you reckon…
Publicado por Nesthorë en 10:34 2 comentarios
viernes, febrero 5
Back From Cosmos EP
Hello all you people!!!
SWR001 - Toomy Disco - Back From Cosmos EP by SpaceWalker Recordings
Publicado por Zavala en 9:33 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Back From Cosmos, Toomy Disco
martes, febrero 2
Publicado por Zavala en 12:34 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Candygirl, I'm Single Records, Vinny Villbass
lunes, febrero 1
Juan SinMiedo @ Riviera Maya
Hey people.
Friday 5th of February, our friend Eduardo Zavala will be playing he´s smoth bizarro beats in Puerto Morelos house: Bara Bara.

Puerto Morelos is a place were people live different. A place were the interior peace and the good vibe walk together. A small and quiet town, with a beautiful beach and great nature around.
Bara Bara is the place that gets us all together. A place were elitism is no welcome. A place were everybody is the same and is there for the same reason... Dance and have a smoth time.

So after a night of fun and dancing, there´s the beach with the unique caribbean sea and the amazing reef to snorkel out. These revitalizes the body and mind.

For now, I leave u with these smoth set from Le Brigadier, Eduardo Z.
Publicado por Mr. Yuca en 12:35 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Bara Bara, Puerto Morelos
There you go with some amazing Jazz/Nu Jazz Dj Set!!!
Publicado por Juan Sinmiedo en 12:10 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Jazzaroma
Exclusive Interview: All the way from Slovenia -> Ichisan
Centered in Central Europe and having influences from Italy, France, Croatia Hungary and Austria, The Republic of Slovenia delivers, this time, Ichisan!
Once a photographer and now a DJ and producer, Igor Skafar, started his partnership with music when he was 16 years old. He has played the guitar but eventually fell in love with electronic music and the kind of sounds that can be delivered in a electronical enviroment.
"Global Pillage" and "Tips & Tricks" had a very positive response from important people such as Aeroplane and Prins Thomas. Since then he had worked for labels such as Pizzico Records, London's Airtight, Eskimo Recordings...
As we contacted Ichisan we found a great, humble and humurous human being.So get to know more about Slovenian Igor Skafar a.k.a Ichisan:
Now you might treat yourself with this Ichisan'n cool Mix:
Ichisan-BlueCollageMix by Ichisan Mixes
Publicado por Juan Sinmiedo en 11:23 1 comentarios