Luca Trevisi is producing amazing stuff. And Italy label Irma Italy released this great LTJ Xperience EP called Organ Mind.
ltj xperience - organ mind - irma by ltj xperience
ltj xperience - i love you - irma by ltj xperience
miércoles, mayo 26
LTJ Xperience
Publicado por Zavala en 15:10 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: LTJ Xperience, Organ Mind EP
martes, mayo 25
Tigersushi Records: 10 Years!
The 10th Anniversary fo Tigersushi Records is being celebrated, obviously with music, music and the way their double CD is awesome!!!
This is their Mix for the celebration...
Eclectic is the word:
Publicado por Zavala en 12:36 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Tigersushi Records
lunes, mayo 24
Touchsoul: Muscles Mix
Hey mates!
Today is monday again :( but I wanna share this mix from Suntherland's Master Of Reworks: Touchsoul!
I invite you guys to read the interview we had with Adrian here
Touchsoul Live Muscles Mix - Sat May 26th 2010 by touchsoul
Publicado por Zavala en 12:47 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Muscles Mix, Touchsoul
jueves, mayo 20
Zebra and The Snake

Zebra and Snake - We Never Go When We Have To by Zebra and Snake
Publicado por Zavala en 15:23 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Zebra and Snake
lunes, mayo 17
Exclusive Interview: Sunderland's Master of Reworks: Touchsoul

Anything from Ian Dury, Stevie Wonder, Boz Scaggs, Rolling Stones, Van Morrison was all filtered through. I got into Prince, big time, at an early age and that helped me discover a lot more artists I wasn't particularly aware of. Especially in the funk/soul genres. Around 1991, I was given a tape by an old friend containing a lot of Italian House stuff like Don Carlos and Last Rhythm etc, which flipped onto good house music.
Too many to mention. " Hey mate, have you got that song that goes Da Da Dah, Da Da Hah Dominator" or something to that effect. I seriously hate people who think that just because your a DJ, you're their own personal jukebox.
Thanks to Adrian for the interview.
So fellas, here's a little gift:
Publicado por Zavala en 20:14 0 comentarios
miércoles, mayo 12
martes, mayo 11
In The Mix - Villa
Hey people!
VillA "In the Mix" May 2010 by VILLA Soundcloud
Publicado por Zavala en 13:52 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Villa Music
lunes, mayo 10
Jazzistic Mechanics
Hola Banda!
Publicado por Zavala en 11:54 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: Jazzaroma
viernes, mayo 7
Enter the Ninja
Feeling bizarre??
Publicado por Nesthorë en 12:10 0 comentarios
Booka Shade World Tour 2010
Let´s see when will they play in México...
Publicado por Nesthorë en 9:59 0 comentarios
martes, mayo 4
CutOut Fest 2010
Se acerca la segunda edición del CutOut Fest! Nuestros amigos estan dandole con todo y acá les dejamos el TEASER de la edicion del festival de 2010..
Cutout Fest 2010 Teaser from cutoutfest on Vimeo.
Acá la liga al Blog del Festival y su sitio web.
Publicado por Zavala en 14:30 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: CutOut Fest
lunes, mayo 3
Hola Gente!
Hoy Lunes, mi pregunta es: De dónde diablos saca Luca Trevisi tremenda creatividad para estas suculentas rolas?
Luca Trevisi es un productor de música Disco y re.edits sublimes. No hay mucho que decir mas que esto es una verdadera delicia...
waiting (ltj edit rework) by ltj xperience
Publicado por Zavala en 13:48 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: LTJ Xperience, Luca Trevisi, Waiting